Todd Hanson of Hanson Graphix started pinstriping at the age of 15. Todd had a desire to pinstripe after seeing customized cars at many Hot Rod shows during his youth. His parents invested in some brushes for Todd, and he quickly became consumed by pinstriping. He virtually striped everything in his dad’s garage. Whether it was a snow shovel, a drill press, or the lawnmower, it was getting pinstriped.
After a year of practicing, Todd started working for a custom car shop in his hometown of Wauseon, Ohio. He was pinstriping vans, cars, and motorcycles while still in high school. After a year and a half working for the custom shop, he was offered a job at a sign shop in Wauseon. Todd worked at the sign company for 10 years until the owner retired. Todd started his own pinstriping and sign shop in 1987. His work features NO computer aided designing. Todd’s reason is: “Your own mind is the best computer anyone can have, nobody else is going to have one just like yours, so use it and refine it to the best of your abilities.” Since opening his business he has established himself as a leader in design and innovation in pinstriping.
A longtime relationship with the world leader in pinstriping brush making, Andrew Mack & Son Brush Company, has allowed Todd to release a book on pinstriping, called Pinstriping Instruction & Designs. And Mack sells his custom designed signature pinstriping brushes named the King 13, and the Alien Deathhawk. And Todd's signature series for lettering brushes called Tilly Quills were recently released. The books and brushes are sold worldwide.
Todd’s national award winning work has appeared in numerous magazines such as as Ol’ Skool Rods ( which had a featured article on Todd), Hot Rod, cover of Popular Hot Rodding, cover of Mini Trucking twice, cover and feature in Air Brush Action, Cruzin Magazine from Australia, Sport Truck, Signs of the Times, Rodders Digest, Gasser Wars, Petersen’s 4 Wheel, Off-Road, Classic Trucks, Gnarly, and SignCraft Magazine, where he has been a frequent contributor since 1988. His work also was featured in the DuPont Top Gun paint calendar. Todd’s custom painted guitars have been seen on CMT, GAC, and in the Steve Earle documentary “Just an American Boy” , and the Steve Earle video "Some Dreams" from the Disney movie "The Rookie".
Todd was honored to be a pinstriping workshop leader for the 40th Anniversary of the Letterheads held at the American Sign Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio 2015. He also is scheduled to teach the Pinstriping Workshop again with his dear friend Jennifer Thomas at this year's 50th anniversary of the Letterheads in Cincinnati. He with has also taught workshops for Air-Brush Action Magazine in Dallas and Orlando. Todd has also taught workshops in Australia (four times), twice inHelsinki Finland , Quebec City Canada, Colorado (three times), Chicago and in his own shop.
Also Todd has represented PPG / 1 Shot Paint at Autoramas in Dallas, Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, and Alamosa, Colorado. And also has represented PPG/1 Shot paint in Australia at the Australian National Letterhead meets.
And in 2022 Todd received the Pinstripe Legend Lifetime Achievement award in Milwaukee for being an innovator and a perpetuator of the pinstriping craft.